Formula 1 Nudists

For all F1 followers. (to replace our old group - which disapeared with its creator)

Is this group dead.

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OK so the cars sound more like hairdryers and the new technical challenges appear to have caught out some of the biggest teams but did you see the Bahrain race! Wheel to wheel action, great skills and some surprising names in the top 10. I can't believe no one here is talking about the 2014 season yet.

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RE: Is this group dead.

I have to agree that the sound coming from the new cars is just not right. Sounds more like something is about to go wrong, but I guess we'll get used to it. However if the wheel to wheel racing continues it just might be worth it. I did find it interesting that most of the real close racing happened between team mates. Mercedes v/s Mercedes, Ferrari v/s Ferrari and so on. Also great to see some new faces in the top 5. Many talented kids on the rise.

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