Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

Please post your photos!

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I have made a start - it would be great to see other people uploading. If you need reassurance, remember that only group members can see the photos.
Please allow a little time for your photos to appear on the photo page. TN rules require me to approve photos before they show up!
Please note that the file size limit is 3MB.

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RE: IMPORTANT - Suggestion about Posting Photos Here!

hiHi Pamela , and other admin ...wish you could rectify my mess a clockwise rotationhugsJayYou have only posted a thumbnail - it would be very easy to rotate it, but pointless. Identify the full size image and I will be happy to help.
will try ...i am a bit of a geek

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