Free Style Nudity
A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...
Isn't the management funny?
Return to DiscussionsFunny peculiar, not funny ha! ha!
I posted this photo to my profile and waited to see if it would be approved:
I was very pleased with the result - it was approved. It was approved as "clothed".
How different is that one from this one?
You've guessed it - the second was approved as "nude". A few square centimetres of shiny Lycra framing the top of my bum makes me "clothed".
Life's little mysteries!
I just wish more group members would post upinput andinteresting pics here more often.
Yes, let's have lots more photos posted on our group page.
I have posted 5 already today!We seem to have lost a few active members recently. Could you not ask all members that as part of being in this group they must introduce themselves properly. Apart from the ten on average who take part i would not have a clue who the other 160 are.One of the things I would like to see here is an option for group administrators to make "sticky" posts which always stay at the topic of the topics list. That would be a way to get that message over.