Free Style Nudity
A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...
Before and After Photos - Corny or Not?
Return to DiscussionsI have to admit I find looking at clothed/unclothed composite images strangely addictive, even though in abstract I think the concept is rather corny.
Anyone else have any views?
I have been looking at some of my photos and what I have found is that I often tend to reproduce more or less the same pose both clothed and nude. Here is an example - the nude image is from my first nude session at the photo club, and the cloted one is a few weeks before in the same studio, with more or less the same group of photographers.
Pamela Clothed and Nude in the Club Studio
..and your breasts at their zenith helps bring my ownzenith into it's glory too!! Love the stories and more, more pics too anytime! As for the before -after pics idea here,,I do think they can be fun, exciting, interesting,,but agree that sometimes the subject material for them is more TS site of nature. Engorged genitals either male or female are very nice to see in that 'after' stage, but probably will get pulled down here at TN.
I hate to tempt fate, but image postings on discussion boards don't seem to attract the same vigilance from the management!
With that in mind, I have to admit you are giving me a few tempting ideas!
..and your breasts at their zenith helps bring my ownzenith into it's glory too!! Love the stories and more, more pics too anytime! As for the before -after pics idea here,,I do think they can be fun, exciting, interesting.............Engorged genitals either male or female are very nice to see in that 'after' stage.......I have to admit you are giving me a few tempting ideas!Pamela
For better or worse......
These are sort of the same, took them of my wife many years ago.
Hello again, Old Flea
Just bumping your post of a couple of months ago. I still enjoy looking at your photos, and I am hoping you might have some more to charm our members.