Free Style Nudity
A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...
Hello Guys, I am thinking and actually dreaming of living in a village where everybody nude all the time. A village consists of several hundreds houses and only nude people can buy properties and settle. What would you say to an idea like that?...
I see the TN powers have stopped us pasting pictures into the discussion text and have removed those that were there. Now there is no way round the purity patrols.
A frequent complaint on this and some other groups is how badly the TN logo intrudes onto some photos. With a little bit of photo manipulation I have found a way to reduce the impact and allow clear visibility of the entire photo - add a white...
Love all the beautiful bushes that can be seen on this site.
Here it is. Someone didn't like it. Posing for my boyfriend in pre-digital days Pamela
Just a quick note to introduce a new member of Free Style Nudity, Jaana94 from Sweden: I hope you will join me in welcoming Jaana to the group. Pamela
Both profile photos and group photos can now be uploaded on a drag and drop system, much easier to use than the old one. Check out the group photos here to see the uploads of some of my recent profile pics
I think most group members will still feel (or at least remember) the thrill of getting naked for the first time with other people around. I would like to thank Flickr member Trinca for permission to repost his delightful set of photos of a group...
Paula is from Australia and has some spectacular photos is her profile - she has kindly authorised me to repost some here: Two lovely views of Paula101 Pamela
There are a lot of posts on TN about the first time going nude - from people who haven't done it yet and are feeling apprehensive and from people recounting their experiences, sometimes in response to questions asked. A factor commonly dsecribed...