Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

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I see a lot of people in a lot of threads who are devoted to being fully nude every moment possible. I suppose that is the distinction between a nudist and a naturist. I read people who take jobs that allow them to work from home or crank up the heat in the winter and I don't find that to be a problem, that is the preference. On the other hand I love my job and wouldn't trade it. Even if nudity became social acceptable it wouldn't be a good idea in my workplace, clothing is just as much protective in my line of work as a social norm. When I am at home it depends on the weather. I try not to use more energy than I have to at home for environmental reasons. I have only turned my air conditioner on twice in three years and I am proud of it. Likewise though, in the winter I dress before I turn heaters on. I view clothing as a tool that is sometimes appropriate for use rather than something has been forced on us by ancient religions (which, it is that too) Turning on hundreds of watts worth of electric heat when it starts to get cold to me seems like using an electric drill to tighten the handle on a saucepan, there is a simpler option.
Now the site is called true nudists, but the header also says for naturists. I guess what I want to know is the breakdown of people's feelings on this subject.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

It depends on the "subject matter!" Ask the right questions ... you'll get lots of people to chime in. I guess no one's asking the right questions! hahaha

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I'm into practical nudity. I'm not shy and don't care who sees me naked. I'm often naked when alone, doing the house work for example. And I'll be the first, sometimes the only one, to get naked when with nudist friends. ButI don't believe in freezing my butt and there are times when it can be inconvenient being naked - when I'm out in town or textiles may call in. Everyone I know is aware I'm a nudist but I don't impose it on them, respecting their feelings.

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I'm pretty "hardcore" when it comes to nudity. If I can get away with it, not expose anyone to it, that doesn't want to see it, at most times and almost any temps ... I will choose to be nude. We don't get snow here in our city. The closest snow is up on the peaks of the surrounding mountains, though it can be "cold" for outside nudity ... momentary, short periods of exposure of our naked bodies in the cold weather are not out of the question.
As a hardcore nudist, I will opt to just deal with the cold weather for a very short period of time, say to get the paper, put out the trash, take the trash containers to the curb, go out to my truck ... and remain nude instead of grabbing something to put on. IF there is a chance that I'll be out and exposed a bit more than just a very short period of time, I'll be more practical and slip on the robe. I think if we lived in an area where it was snowing and we needed wood for the fireplace ... I could run out there and get some wood in the nude but it would probably depend on how far that wood pile is from the warmth of the house!

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RE: Hardcore vs. Practical nudity

I'm a barefoot kinda guy. Though my feet have gotten a bit more tender as I've aged, I'm still more comfortable barefoot. This morning, my wife was leaving for a meeting at work. I needed to move my truck outta the way so she could get out of the garage. I walked out to the driveway with just my robe on. She barked at me about putting something on my feet. She was right ... the night and early morning temps we cold enough to freeze some of the overspray from the sprinklers on the driveway. That was cold on the feet! I can't imagine walking outside in your cold temps with snow on the ground and being barefoot or in flip flops! :D

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