This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

Strange article. Does the author even know what freeballing is ?

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Hey. I ran into this article. Well, seems promoting underwear as they may be afraid of running out of business ?! Who knows.

Let me know your thoughts on these points in the article. Made me laugh hard.

1: Keeps the Family Jewels Fresh and Clean

This is a good one. Lot of bacteria, bla-bla-bla, and odor.

I do get odors when I sweat, but not from the front, from the back. And underwear or not, its the same.
Actually, my experience has shown to be more comfortable, more fresh, no odor, etc, while freeballing. Underwear keeps the sweat on me all day.
Also, we do have good bacteria around. Never had an issue, guess I get the good ones.

2: No Chafing and Irritation

Going commando is a valiant act ??? Haha.
The whole reason underwear came to be was to reduce friction around our most sensitive bits

Well, yes, reduces friction, like socks in a shoe. But I never suffered from chatting and Im wearing cargo shorts and jeans. I heard some having it, so lets say partially true. But is it truly the main reason underwear were invented ?

3: Keeps Everything in Place

One of the primary functions of underwear is to provide support. Without it, youre leaving your most sensitive parts to fend for themselves, leading to potential discomfort and even injury.

So, everything is a primary function?
Has anyone ever suffered injury not wearing underwear? (Sad I cant smileys, there would be a tap in my face)

Actually, some underwear can be so tight that it injure my balls. Or if too loose, then wheres the support ?

Fellas, going commando in zippered pants? You might as well be tap dancing blindfolded in front of a woodchipper.

Haha, dont be stupid, like everything else. Guess have a nurse next to you to help you on your daily use of your bits. Never happened to me. You ?

The continue with sports. Well, sports, right. Some are also wearing tight shorts. Weve all seen nice outlines on some sports pictures. Yes, take the generality of freeballing and use sports for daily use of underwear. Sure, you may want it in place when doing some sports. We can agree. But some only.

4: Avoids Embarrassing Moments

Embarrassing moments, accidental exposure. Well, you have to crack it badly for that to happen. I had a small hole, and whatever. Usually cracks in the crotch.
Never been embarrassed with that, nor that it happens a lot. Its rare. Whats your experience ?

Dignity ? Well, only those who fear naked body think theres no dignity showing piece of skin. Im not ashamed, accident happens. Sure, we should cover these parts because of stupid mindset. Protecting children ? They are the one who dont care. Adults have a problem because being taught so. My dignity is intact. What about yours ?

5: Enhances Your Outfit

Well, seen woman going commando to avoid an outfit outline. Underwear enhancing your outfit ? Haha. I thought that have to be hidden. LOL.

But ok, in a suit, I do wear underwear to avoid the outlines form and funky penis. So in rare occasion its useful. But its no enhancement of outfit. Nope. Its not what I would call.

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RE:Strange article. Does the author even know what freeballing is ?

That whole article is full of misinformation and even more hyperbole. Of course they are simply trying to sell underwear. The first clue is at the very top of the page where it says "Disclosure: This post is sponsored by PSD and contains affiliate links." After reading that article I think that author has some serious issues. He is probably one of those guys who showers in his underwear at the gym if he showers there at all.

I totally disagree with his first 4 main points listed from the article. To specific points I find it cleaner, less irritation, and I have no need for something to keep everything in place. Much more comfy to let it hang even while running. In regard to 5: Enhances Your Outfit yeah. The right underwear can enhance the bulge if thats the look you are after.

For me its all about comfort. I tried every style of underwear there is and I found none that were comfortable. One day I took then off and have been a freeballer ever since. Unless you are a leaker and are trying to avoid having a wet spot on your crotch I see no functional purpose for underwear in any other circumstance.

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RE:Strange article. Does the author even know what freeballing is ?

That whole article is full of misinformation and even more hyperbole. Of course they are simply trying to sell underwear. The first clue is at the very top of the page where it says "Disclosure: This post is sponsored by PSD and contains affiliate links." After reading that article I think that author has some serious issues. He is probably one of those guys who showers in his underwear at the gym if he showers there at all.I totally disagree with his first 4 main points listed from the article. To specific points I find it cleaner, less irritation, and I have no need for something to keep everything in place. Much more comfy to let it hang even while running. In regard to 5: Enhances Your Outfit yeah. The right underwear can enhance the bulge if thats the look you are after.For me its all about comfort. I tried every style of underwear there is and I found none that were comfortable. One day I took then off and have been a freeballer ever since. Unless you are a leaker and are trying to avoid having a wet spot on your crotch I see no functional purpose for underwear in any other circumstance.

Being outside for an extended time in cold weather might be another.

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