G0y Men Who Enjoy Nude Bonding
A group for nudists guys who call themselves g0y who are also looking for other g0y nudists. That's spelled with a zero.
G0y History
Return to DiscussionsFor many people today, G0y seems to be a new idea. Actually, most people have never heard of g0y or the lifestyle, but the idea is not new. As a matter of fact, it is a very ancient mindset. To be honest, the idea of cultures accepting a homosexual lifestyle is new, but many eastern, middle-eastern, and western civilizations did accepted the idea of men loving each other deeply. From ancient Greece/Macedonia, Roman Empire, Israel/Judah, Medieval Ages, and even the early 20th century, men embracing, holding hands, kissing, playing nude with each other, and even having so-called sex, was acceptable. However, it was looked down upon in these cultures for men to penetrate other men. Why? Because they believed that there are two separate roles when it came to penetration. The Masculine Role (The Penetrator) and the Feminine Role (One who is being Penetrated). It was looked down upon for a man to take the role of a woman, and unnatural for an anal to have anything pushed up into it. This act was called (English Translation) Sodomy. Even ancient Christian Culture accepted men having sexual relationships as long as they did not perform the act of sodomy. To take it one step further, if the men did not perform the sexual act of sodomy, then everything else wasn't considered an act of sex. Now you may argue with me on this, but I encourage you to do your own research. Today, the LGBTQ community try to use these ancient cultures as proof that homosexuality was accepted in the past. How-ever, these acts of love between men were not looked upon as homosexual nor even sexual acts. Even in the Torah and the Holy Christian Bible does it not say that such behaviors outside of sodomy are (what we now call) homosexual acts. So why do we think that men attraction to men is considered homosexual/gay today? Why is even nudity considered a sexual act today? I have my own theories, but it is something worth thinking about.
- 7 years ago