Gamers & Geeks ... Sans Clothing
A discussion group for gamers and everyday geeks. Whether you play a console game or an MMO, let's get together and talk Easter eggs, servers, hacks and anything else fitting.
With the PS4 out and X-Box One coming this week (I think) has anyone purchased a new console or planning to buy by the end of the year? If you have a new system tell some of us why you like when you take time to just on this site after playing...
I loved DC Universe Online but my league sorta disbanded and I like the social aspect of multiplayer games. I am currently playing Borderlands 2 and all of the DLCs like a mad man escaping from Arkham ie The Joker. So if anyone is playing that on...
Hello. I just got an XBox One and don't have anyone to play with yet. My GamerTag is xTheCoalx (Same as my PSN ID) so if you play add me, and if you want to find people to play with add your GamerTag and talk about which games you like to play....
Add me on Xbox. It would be great to have nudist friends on there and chat while gaming. machoflaco is my xbox live name. I'm also on PS4. machoflaco78. Please put in request that ur from this site! thanks!
So everyone else is talking videogames, does anyone here do tabletop roleplaying? D&D, D20 Modern, Serenity, we play it all, but all our friends are textile. A full campaign in the nude would be awesome.
Anyone else enjoys Hearthstone? I need more friends to play with... :)
I am trying to decide what my next game will be now that DragonAge and I are leaving Skyhold. I still have DC Universe, Destiny, Borderlands : Handsome Jack Collection in my rotation but wanting something new. Friends are on Final Fantasy but I am...
Hey guys, how many of you play MTG? I'm still thinking on which brood to pick on the Dragons of Tarkir PR, any help would be fine though...
Any Netrunners here? Would be nice to exchange deckbuilding tips or even set up some London based games!