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High Stakes Poker On PS3

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High Stakes Poker On PS3
I am looking for ps3 gamer nudists
that will come play poker (on cam) on High Stakes Poker on The Vegas
Strip. It's one of the ONLY games I know of that you can use your cam
during game-play. I host "clothing optional" locked private tables in
that game for nudists to come play and socialize without the public
criticism and disrespect as I do NOT tolerate that in my rooms. High
Stakes Poker on The Vegas Strip is available to USA and Canada (not sure
about other country's) PS3 gamers on PSN store for 9.99 and is a real
fun game to play. My PSN Gamertag is Nude_Poker_420. Please feel free to
add me to your friends list (or msg me if my list full and i will make
room on my list) if you wish to get the game and come play. I am on
Daily and play nude on cam most of the time and would like others to do
the same. My Goal is to have at least One nudist room that is available
to play in 24/7 so that when a nudist wants to relax and play some poker
anytime of day or night he/she will have a place to do so and enjoy the
socializing and the freedom of what we all stand for. I am looking
forward to meeting and playing with a lot of new nudist gamers. Until we
meet KEEP GAMING NAKED!!!!! :)
UPDATE: 7/13/12
How much interest in this is out there... Here is what I would like you
all to do, if you read this thread, please let me know if this interests
you or not and Maybe post a little message saying why or why not so i
can get a little feedback on how far this might go. If you ARE
interested please post your PSN gamer tag in this post. If I get enough
that are interested and post there gamer tags I will do a drawing out of
all the names for a $20.00 PSN network card, if your name is chosen it
will be posted on this thread and i will contact winner via their gamer
tag on PSN. Would like 20 or more gamer tags to draw from by August 15
2012. Thank you for taking the time to read and post to this thread and
good luck to all.... and don't forget KEEP GAMING NAkED!!!!!!!!

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RE: High Stakes Poker On PS3

It was a blast. I can't wait until more folks start joining the game and we have a cyber nude gathering. Thanks again.

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RE: High Stakes Poker On PS3

It was a blast. I can't wait until more folks start joining the game and we have a cyber nude gathering. Thanks again.Thank you BLKPEG for joining me, Has really been fun, Just hope more people will start joining in our games... Like I said in original post, We finally have a place to go and play games and socialize during gameplay as nudists without having to work about public criticism or disrespect.

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RE: High Stakes Poker On PS3

Ooh, nice. I'll have to check it out! My PSN name is: Sekizen

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RE: High Stakes Poker On PS3

My PSN ID is mallraider75. And I have High Stakes Poker with PS Eye cam.

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