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just started playing shadow of mordor

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I just started playing shadow of mordor and I'm loving it so far I'm about 6 hours in and I have not moved I'm really loving this game

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RE: just started playing shadow of mordor

What platform are you playing it on? Console or PC?

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RE: just started playing shadow of mordor


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RE: just started playing shadow of mordor

My girlfriend really wants this game. She loves anything Lord of The Rings related, and i'm a pretty big fan myself. The only thing is we don't know anyone who has it. How does it play? Is it pretty fun?

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RE: just started playing shadow of mordor

it was definitely fun to run around seeing what you can accomplish with the orc army all around you, but a couple things peeved me.. mainly that eventually everything just felt exactly the same (combat / abils / things to do), and the best strategies for doing stuff were usually the cheeziest due to the AI being kind of wonky (dive from above kill... run away up on building, dive from above kill again, repeat) and also the AI detection was kind of weird where in some cases where you're obviously visible nobody sees you and in other cases where you think you're being sneaky bam out of nowhere you're detected .. but yeah running around making all the orcs your slaves was kind of amusing I'll have to admit

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RE: just started playing shadow of mordor

Sounds interesting. Maybe they will be able to fix a few of those issues with a patch. I guess we will see. Probably going to pick it up this coming weekend.

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