Gamers & Geeks ... Sans Clothing
A discussion group for gamers and everyday geeks. Whether you play a console game or an MMO, let's get together and talk Easter eggs, servers, hacks and anything else fitting.
Since there already are topics on DC Universe Online and Champions Online, I just had to ask this: Is there anyone here who plays City of Heroes? I haven't played it in a while, but I love that game! If you would like to add me as a friend on...
Anybody here play Kid Icarus: Uprising online? My friend code is 2621-29570-0247
Anyone been to or hosted a nude LAN party? seen some online but wasnt sure if it was just a stunt or if there are real groups that have them.
I have played Wow since the beginning on n off, have 85's done alot of the new content but just got either really boring n samey or the hard stuff was just too complex in a boring way. in this phase melee here range there, here off tank does...
Ok WOW players, what server are you on?
I have that game for Playstation 3 and it is AWESOME! If anyone has it for Playstation 3, I would love to play it with you!
Any body playing Modern Warefare 2 online with the PS3? It would be cool to get a nude team together.
ME2 is stealing my soul........... Must play some more later :p Its a pain when I have to work :D
Is there anyone in or around Miami that would like to play games and hang out nude? I have every system known to man and about 500 games. LOL