For all you Geminis, who are also nudists

Another Quiet Group

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I was elated to see that someone had made a posting here, and I was waiting for any sort of response . Several members took a peek at his postr, but no one bothered to reply.
It would be nice, if we could get any sort of discussion going here. It's not that difficult to type a few lines about anything connected with nudism. Geminis are supposed to be active, so let's see how active we all can be...

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RE: Another Quiet Group

Other sign groups have a lttle bit of postings, why not here??

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RE: Another Quiet Group

Other sign groups have a lttle bit of postings, why not here??

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RE: Another Quiet Group

Other sign groups have a lttle bit of postings, why not here??

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Hello from Brisbane!

At least I will make a mark here, even if only a greeting from Brisbane, Queensland Australia.

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RE: Another Quiet Group

It surprises me that Gemini's can be so quiet, we are the great communicators - HA! And why is the member count so low? Another nudist site I belong to, the Gemini count is well over 400 and they can't shut us up for anything. Just wanted to say "Hey" and see what everyone was up to. I'm from the 15th and going strong!

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