GLBT Nudists
Group for all gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered nudists and their friends.
First same-sex experience
Return to DiscussionsHi everyone-I'm a 43 y/o bi-curious male in eastern PA. I've never been with another guy but am VERY curious and would like to give it a try if for no other reason, to see whether or not I like it. I would consider myself a bottom and am interested in meeting & becoming friends with gay, bi or bi-curious guys. Message me & add me if you're interested.
- 12 years ago
Like always been bi curious Had my first guy sex last week It was hot not Auckland Gave my first blow job wow
- 8 years ago
Good morning first of all Iam a very happily married man who loves his wife however I have been with a couple of men and find it VERY VERY fun first time was at a nude beach I was laying out nude and he sat down beside me and asked can I please touch you? DEEP BREATH and said sure he massaged my balls and cock and we got caught up as he stroked and sucked yes right there on the beach! we were the only ones there at the time we eneded up in a 69 position and we cummed in each other mouth I hope you just follow your heart and desires good luck my friend
- 8 years ago
I was 24 when I had my first bi experiences. I wrote an erotic novel based on them, which you may find interesting. Best wishes, Dave
- 8 years ago
I found my bi side late in life as i am in late 50'se. Did the usual pubescent stuff, but last year met a great guy at beach. We have many things in common and we talked very openly. He is gay and i am married for 30+ years. Anyway, we hit it off great and met up msny times for sucking and mutual masturbstion. I have some dildoes i use on myself, but never had real thing. One day i asked him to mount me, he asked if i was sure, i said absolutely and we finished off my curiosity. It felt wonderful and he took his time and went at my speed...anyway we get together more and more now znd it was the best thing i have done...good luck and find someone to go at your pace, it makes the experience that much more enjoyable.
- 8 years ago
Hi George! If you are curious about same-sex encounters you may find my book useful, as well as a good read. Some of the early chapters are based on my own experiences.
"Mirrors: Reflections of a Bisexual Man" by Luke N Glass (me) is available to download from
Best wishes, Dave
- 8 years ago
Sounds interesting...
- 8 years ago
It's great when it happens like that out of the blue! It's happened to me too.
- 8 years ago
It's excitingI ve been with 2 guys enjoyed both times Just oral ,hanging out naked o pressure
- 8 years ago