Gods Temple

For Christian nudists, who believe that God created us in His image, and treat their bodies as a Temple. If you agree that Christ died to save us, and that He loves us no matter what, then this might be a great group for you. Debbie and I have been Christian nudists for a long time. We love sharing Christs love with others. One of our main convictions is that to many people don't respect what...

One month to go

Our Church project is only one month away. Please keep us in your prayers. I know that God has wonderful things in store for us.

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How inspiring it is to read the works of some of our fellow Christian brothers. NudeInMA has a way with the pin, his gift is so evident. If you would like to read more from him go to the group, Christians who pray and share. I personaly want to...

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Something to think about

What does God want you to do today? You can find out the same way Jesus did. He read and studied the scripture, and He sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is there, right by your side. He wants to lead us, all we have to do is seek His...

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God shown down on So Cal today, mid 70's at the beach. How wonderful he is.

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new group

Since only a hand full of us want to really share I will give this one last try. I don't care if we only end up with a couple of members as long as we pray together, and share. check out Christians who pray and share. If you like what it says...

Latest Post

Sorry, but I am so disapointed in the postings on this site. I thought more people would want to share with other Christians. We have been going now far a couple of months, and 2 people besides me have made a posting. This makes us just like all the...

tsunami in Japan

I know all of you are already doing it, but if not please pray for those who are suffering so much. The loss of life is unbelievable, and the suffering is only going to get worse. Debbie and I went through a huricane in Houston a couple of years...

Posting removels

Has anyone else ever had a posting removed from a site? I posted messages about Nick on C-A-N-R. and Christian Nudists both, and saw the next day that they had been removed. No one ever uses these sites in the way I thought they were to be used,...


Please remember, when we join a group like this we make a statement. It is important that we represent what we stand for. I have not checked out all your profiles, nor your photos, we are not here for that. But please remember some do. As a member...

Christian Lifestyle

Someone help me out here, several who have requested joining our group are members of groups that I personaly would have a problem with as a Christian. I know God loves us all, but not our sins. As Christians, we are supposed to be different from...