Naked backsides have an appeal that extends far beyond the nudist community. Historically, artists and sculptors have been inspired by human behinds for centuries. In everyday culture, "mooning" is a fun practice, especially among college youth. In proper textile society there are situations where mention of full nudity may offend; however, use of the term "B.A." (for bare...
Would love to show mine to anyone interested. Skype at jay.dreaming
I like getting parts of me waxed and since Im a nudist love the way my slick butt looks tanned...I go every 6 to 8 weeks ...
hows my butt
Hello all I've been lucky yo have a good ass shape.. I do about 10-20 squats most days a week.. I do like a firm butt..
Just a little post
Just joined. Great idea this group, I love a good backside. Here's mine ;)
Hello. Just joined the group. Posted 4 pics of my ass and one of my cute wife. Enjoy.