Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or
This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...
Anyone going to Sauvies or Rooster this week while it is nice in the area? Supposed to rain this weekend of course. D
It's going to be a great week (Sunday 05/11/2014) and I really want to go to the beach (Collins), any or every day. The problem is that I don't have the gas money ($10 from NE Portland, round-trip). If anyone out there needs a ride, I'll...
For everyone who is disappointed that they didn't get enough nude activities in over last summer, Hidden Springs Nudist Club has a few indoor events of nude bowling nights over the winter months. This is the first Hidden Spings nudist Club...
For everyone who is disappointed that they didn't get enough nude activities in over last summer, Hidden Springs Nudist Club has a few indoor events of nude bowling nights over the winter months. This is the first Hidden Spings nudist Club...
It was a bit of a shock when the hidden Spring sNudist Club srrived at the pool they reserved for one of their winter nude swim events to find a sing on the door saying that the pool was permanently closed. Nobody bothered to inform the Hidden...
Gonna be visiting Portland soon, any recommendations for nudist-friendly places to stay? Thanks!
Feb 01, Nude swim night with Hidden Springs On February 1st, the Hidden Springs Nudist Club will be renting a pool facility in Vancouver (off 4th Plain) for two hours (7-9 PM), which will include the pool, the jacuzzi and the sauna, as well as...
Jan 11, Bare Bowling night With hiden Springs. For everyone who is disappointed that they didnt' ge enough nude activities in over teh summer, Hidden Springs Nudist Club has a few indoor events of nude bowling and nude swim nights over the...
There is a new local nudist group on Here is the link I hope this one does better than the other ones which recently fizzled out. That tey spelled naturist as naturalist kind of makes...