Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or
This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...
Oct 12, Bare Bowling night With hiden Springs.
Return to DiscussionsFor everyone who is disappointed that Fall wether has come early this year and didnt' ge enough nude activities in over teh summer, Hidden Springs Nudist Club has a few indoor events of nude bowling and nude swim nights.
This is the first Hidden Spings nudist Club winter event. They retn out an eight lane bowlign ally for a couple of hours.
It is Oct. 12, from 7-9 PM.
Costs are as follows
Paid in advance, is $13 for AANR members, $15 for anyone else.
Paid at the door is $18 for AANR members and $20 for everyone else.
Costs includes shoe rentals. You need to email for the adress.
Events are at the same locations as last year! If you don't have all the
info you need, please send an email to
Please don't call the locations for information.
Children are welcome at bowling.
Spouses who wish to come, but don't wish to bowl, do not need to pay.
The Hidden Springs website is
Phone number for information or to leave a message. 503 841 1995
Please support these great activities, so we can continue to offer
them! Here is this season's schedule of
bowling and swims:
Note: Costs are different for bowling nights and swims.
Bare Bowling
Oct. 12, 2013, Jan. 11, Mar. 1, and Apr.
12, 2014
and Nude Swims!
Nov. 2, 2013, Feb. 1, and Mar. 22, 2014
- 11 years ago
How many people generally show up for these events?
- 11 years ago