Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or

This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...

June 8 Sunny Naked (bike) Ride

For those who object to the World Naked Bike Ride happening at night, this earlier ride is a daytime event in the bright light of day. The following was copied and pasted from the calendar. SUNNY NEKID RIDE Coe Circle, 3900 NE...

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May 18, The Willamettans Spring Clean-Up &...

On May 18th, The Willamettans have their Spring Clean-Up and Barbeque Chicken Potluck - free grounds fees for workers. I suggest you contact the club for specific details. Their website is

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Rooster Rock Conditions, as of May 11

I went to Rooster Rick yesterday, and the water level was higher than I had ever seen it, however i have only lived in the area for two and a half years. We tried several trails out to teh rive proper, but all the ones we tried were swampy and/or...

Legality of nudity in National Parks

I found an article on Facebook at the link below. It is interesting to read, but prety much only ays that in most national parks the rules of nudity are pretty vague. ...

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Apr 13, Bare Bowling w/ Hidden Springs

Bare Bowling with Hidden Springs Nudist Club On Saturday, Mar. 13, 2013, From 7-9 PM., Hidden Spring will be renting out a small bowling alley for a Bare Bowling event. This is a fun and social event and not really all that competitive. For...

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Subscribe to AANR-NW E-News

To subscribe to the AANR-NW E-news and get the latest available updates from AANR and the region, there is a subscribe button on the left side of the regional website at:

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Apr. 20 - AANR-NW Earth Day Tree Planting at...

The text below was copied and pasted from The Wellspring, which i sthe hidden Springs Nudist Club newsletter. On the April 20 (the Saturday of the week containing Earth Day), there will be again be a sapling tree planting at Rooster Rock state park...

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Mar 25-29, Spring Break Week at Squae...

Squaw Mountain Ranch will be offering half price for college students during spring break. Contact Club for full details. Link for hone number and regular rates below.

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Mar. 3 - Red light Annual Naked Shopping...

Once a year, the Red Light clothing exchange has a contest where men and women compete, starting out naked and putting on as many clothes as they can within a time limit. The person who manages to put on the most clothes wins. for details go to...

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Feb. 23, Hidden Springs (rescheduled) Nude...

The Hidden Springs Swim for Jan. 26, was cancelled and rescheduled for Feb. 23. Anyone who has prepaid will be paid up for the new date. The pool owners messed up their scheduling and so of course the nudist club was the booking they cancelled. ...