Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or
This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...
Hi all, I got a report that at least one person was experiencing problems accessing some fo the group pages and was wondering how wide spread of a problem this is. If you are having problems, or think you have a solution to any problems stated...
This is a monthly event, attended mostly by members of OMEN (Oregon Men Enjoying Naturism), a local gay nudist group. I have attended a few times and those who attend this, a public event, are respectful and well behaved. I attended one OMEN private...
I myself got a bad case of tennis elbow the last time i went bowling, but for those who may be interested... With the weather getting nastier we are looking forward to our first bare bowling of the season. For those of you that have participated...
A friend sent the link to this arti9cle about couch surfing and the nudist groups with the couch surfing community, and i thought I should share it with all of your. ...
This will be my first visit to Bagby Hot Springs. It looks pretty nice, relaxing and laid back. Has anyone been before? Any words of wisdom?
I'm headed to Rosster Rock this weekend. Looking for some companionship, preferrably of the fairer sex. Could take 2 or three others in my car. Let me know if interested.
I just got back from another visit to Collins beach. Another great day. It helped that as i was leaving someone paid me an extremely nice compliment. Always nice to have the ego stroked. I was thinging of checking out Rooster Rock. Any opinions. I...
Saturday, Auguest 13, 2011 Carpool to Collins Beach on Sauvie Island Total seats: 5 Available seats: 3 (One seat is taken by myself, and one seat has been reserved; I will give an update if it becomes available) Departure: 1:30pm Meeting Place:...
This is pretty simple. 1. Buy an annual parking permit for your favorite nude beach. 2. Advertise that you have the parking permit if someone is willing to give you a ride. Yes, you can put up a post here in this group. 3. You may want to ask, as an...
This is s set of guidelines intended to help organize carpools for nude beach trips or day trips to other nude locations or events. 1. Carpools should only be organized by drivers with vehicles, stating how many seats are available and how much of a...