Naturists And Nudists, Portland, Or
This group is for nudists who live within a reasonable driving distance of the greater Portland Oregon, Vancouver, Washington areas, who are interested in meting others for platonic nude recreation and friendship. Please use this group to organize local nude events, groups and/or carpools to the local nude beaches and other nude places. Also feel free to post events for local nudist clubs or plan...
The water levels dropped a couple of feet since the last time I visited, but the Dragonfly Trail is still underwater However it looks llke you cold wade through the trail with the water levels probably reaching mid thigh at the highest point. At... SUNNY DAY NEKKID RIDE Coe Circle, Joan of Arc Statue, 3900 NE Glisan St (Coe Circle, Joan of Arc Statue, 3900 NE Glisan @ Cesar Chavez) 1:00pm - 3:30pm About 200 times the fun of the night time WNBR,...
Someone asked me to find the info for them, an das long as I found it i figured I may as well post it. Eugene World Naked Bike Ride, 4:30pm, Skinner Butte Park, 200 E. Cheshire Dr., call 484-1680. FREE. I do not know if the route is a loop or just...
SUNNY NEKKID II Coe Circle, 3900 NE Glisan St 3:00pm Ride naked or "bare as you dare." Work on that tan, those quads, and enjoy body-acceptance. Bring paint, protest signs. We'll ride through all 5 quadrants of Portland. We'll...
So I saw on the internet that the water levels had gone down about three feet and so I rode my bike out to Rooster Rock to see how things had changed. Yes the water levels are down, but not enough that most of the areas are still flooded. If you...
On the website,, click on the calendar and you will find there are three naked bike rides listed for the day of June 7th. Six Nude Bike Events for Saturday June 7 MORNING NAKED RIDE Irving Park, NE 7th Ave and Fargo...
I happened onto a description of naked Falls in Washington, which is a reasonable distance from the greater Portland Area, and was wonderign if anyone has been there to sunbathe nude, and how local law enforcement feels about it According to the...
I rode my bike out to RR again... The water levels are up about two feet since i went last week, making it difficult to find a spot to perch or set up camp, a th ebest spot that were there last week are now underwater, wet and/or muddy. There ws...
After watching the ride on the sidelines last year, I went out and bought a bike, just so I could participate this year. There are usually over 10,000 participants, or if it rains then over 6,000. Does anyone else plan to participate? ...
So, on the extremely sweltering day, i actually chose to ride my bike out to Rooster Rock, which from where I lvie is aobut 15 miles each way. No problems riding out, but after the first half of the ride back, the heat really hit me hard. I hope to...