
The guitar is the most popular musical instrument in the world. Great guitars are considered a piece of art and demand a price to classify. Most of the music we listen to and love have the guitar as major player. Rock on!

Nude guitar and vocal perfomance

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Just completed sound check for a guitar and vocal perfomance at a talent show later this evening. Doing a slightly different version of a mashup of Bobby Mcferrin and Bob Marley I did too years ago at the same show.

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RE:Nude guitar and vocal perfomance

That sounds like a cool mashup. How did the performance go? And you performed naked? Where?

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RE:Nude guitar and vocal perfomance

Thanks I modified just a bit from the last time I did it. It got rousing applause and many positive comments even the day after.

Yes I performed naked. The show was at the resort where I I have a site membership Turtle Lake.
That sounds like a cool mashup. How did the performance go? And you performed naked? Where?

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RE:Nude guitar and vocal perfomance

Oh BTW the actual songs were Don't worry be happy (McFerrin) and Three Little Birds ( Marley)

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