Gunnison Beach Nudists
You must go to Gunnison Beach and now you must have a picture of you at Gunnison Beach posted in this group.
Anyone heading for some late winter sun... let me know. I am heading down to explore Ft Hancock - and may stop for a visit.. stephen
70* and sunny Monday - I'll be at the Hook!
Upper 70*s and sunny tomorrow - anyone going ? Those kind of days are getting fewer and farther between.
I have heard from Gunnison regulars that lifeguards sometimes take off their suits and sun and swim when they are off duty. Has anyone here ever seen this?
Went to Gunnison yesterday. Generally good day. Not crowded, pleasant temperature on beach and in water. A little windy and rough water but not badd. Saw a man walking to the beach wearing a jacket above the waist and only a g-string below. Strange...
So summer 2020 is almost (unofficially) over - what a crappy year it's been but hope to get to Gunnison this weekend and a few more times before the flu season....I mean Fall returns. Hope everyone is well and stays that way,
Anyone thinking of going tomorrow, after the labor day crowds have left?
[m 42 philly] taking Friday off to hit the beach and get some sun before the weekend rush. Anyone else planning to be there? Hit me up.
Going today. Will let you know how it was.
Due to the bad weather reports, I have to cancel the TN Party for Saturday August 29. I may reschedule it for September based on the weather and the number of people interested. Thank You.