Gunnison Beach Nudists
You must go to Gunnison Beach and now you must have a picture of you at Gunnison Beach posted in this group.
TN Meeting Party At Gunnison Beach DATE CHANGED to Sunday July 23rd.
Return to DiscussionsHey Nick,
I was going to have to cancel going to the event on the 22nd. Glad to read the date has been changed to the 23rd. Hope to see you then. I hope nothing comes up for either one on the 23rd so that we can both make it that day. See you and everyone at the beach.
@ skolbandit - Since this is your first time at Gunnison, here is a piece of advice, you need to get to the parking lot by 9am. The parking lot fills up really fast. Especially on weekends. During the week its not an issue. That is why I normally go to the beach on a Monday or Tuesday. There are still a lot of people there that day, but parking is not an issue. See you on Sunday, July 23rd.