Gunnison Beach

For people who go, are going, want to go, will go, have gone, went to Gunnison Beach. Organize meetups and other Gunnison-related stuff.

Gunnison update #2

I hope everyone is staying naked in this mini heatwave we're having. I wanted to provide another update on things at Gunnison. I went on Monday 6/7 and was disappointed to see that now they have completely closed off the south section of the...

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First Visit This Year

Went today. A little cool and very windy. Water was too cold to get anything beyond feet and ankles wet. Actually, by the time I was ready to go home, I was so chilled that I put my shirt along with my shorts as I left the beach, which I rarely do.

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Gunnison March 11

Anyone heading for some late winter sun... let me know. I am heading down to explore Ft Hancock - and may stop for a visit.. stephen


I have heard from Gunnison regulars that lifeguards sometimes take off their suits and sun and swim when they are off duty. Has anyone here ever seen this?

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Gunnison 9/14

Went to Gunnison yesterday. Generally good day. Not crowded, pleasant temperature on beach and in water. A little windy and rough water but not badd. Saw a man walking to the beach wearing a jacket above the waist and only a g-string below. Strange...

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Island Spa in Edison, NJ

Island Spa in Edison, NJ Has anyone in this group has been here? The have a coed everything kind of areas. The wet area is segregated by sex. Different jacuzzis. I tend to be shy to make friends there. May be easier to find someone with chemistry...

What's it like this year?

I saw someone post on another forum that Gunnison is not easy to access right now. Is that true? And if so, what does that mean like the parking, traffic getting there, etc..?

Visiting on 7/30

I will be in the area and visiting for the first time for a couple of hours in the morning. I would love to meet up with anyone in this group if they are visiting at the same time. Maintaining social distance, of course.

Gunnison 7/15

Went to Gunnison yesterday. Waited almost a half hour at the toll booth from the HIghlands ramp. Line from Sea Bright was much shorter. I was afraid Gunnison would be packed, but while busy there was enough room to leave 6' between groups. Warm...

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First Visit for 2020

Yesterday, I went to Gunnison for the first time in 2020. It usually takes me an hour to get down there. Yesterday it took 3 hours. 2 hours waiting to get thru the toll to pay for parking. Normally I go on a Monday or Tuesday in July and August,...