Guy Camaraderie

Closeness among guys is central to GC. Hello! My name's Ryan, the founder of Guy Camaraderie. We welcome guys from any background. Whether you identify as straight, gay, bi, or otherwise, there are no expectations or criticisms here. Please allow me to give you a brief overview of the core concepts and philosophy of Guy Camaraderie (or GC for short). The central focus once again is closeness...

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I read the "About" page for this group and it didn't exclude jerking off as a topic of discussion -- thus, I'm assuming it ok.

What do you think about jerking off when there are other guys around with whom you do not engage in sexual behavior. So, you're with a friend or friends and you really feel like jerking off. Do you go ahead and do it? Have you ever done this? If so, did anyone join in and also jerk off?

I've read recently that the exclusively male clubs back in the 1800s were exclusively male because the well-to-do men enjoyed getting together with other men, having conversation, smoking cigars, drinking whisky, and jerking off. These were the aristocrats, high-end business owners, lords, barons, etc. Essentially all married.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

We just sort of stopped doing it at some point.

Yes, it would have been great if we had continued.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

It's your body and your urges. Where better then in your home and with others who understand. Same for me with both genders. Such a wonderful feeling at the time of release.

Yes I love this! I couldn't agree more! Very well said

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

That's a very good point to make. It's good to be conscious of your surroundings. Because yes, an erect penis isn't inherently bad, it's the intention behind it. I agree that consent has a giant part to play. Which is why I always say you have to be in the right company to start jerking off at random. Getting an erection isn't a problem, but jerking that erection in front of nonconsenting people is a problem.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Medically speaking there are benefits of masturbation that most men should think about doing regularly if that
Helps lower prostate cancer risk
Makes your erections harder
Regular sex or masturbation to orgasm works out your pelvic floor muscles to prevent Erectile Dysfunction and incontinence.
Keeps the angle of your penile dangle perky
Aim for 3-5 times a week for rock solid results
Helps you last longer during sex
Boosts immunity; increases cortisol hormone which helps regulate and maintain your immune system
Boosts your mood by releasing feel-good neurochemicals: an orgasm is the biggest non-drug blast available!
Helps you fall asleep due to the release of chemicals into the brain that helps relaxation.
Can increase lifespan- study showed men who had less than 2 or more orgasms/week died at half the rate of men who had less than that number.
Can improve your skin due to orgasms causing an increased blood flow to the skin; the oxytocin thats released with orgasm can reduce inflammation.
Helps you get to know your own body better, e.g., what your penis likes and what it doesnt: different techniques: change positions e/g/ standing up etc., the key is to always change your position; explore your whole body, not just your penis: other erogenous zones: nipples, sacrum, tops of thighs; tease yourself with edging (masturbate until it feels like you are going to have an ejaculation, but stop and then start masturbating again after waiting to base erection level and them masturbate to orgasm.
Improves heart health: men who had sex once a month or less were 45% more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than men who had 2 or more weekly orgasms.
Doing the above can increase your lifespan, improve your skin, and helps you to know your body better while improving your heart health.
Regular masturbation defined as men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 33%
Personslly I masturbate daily! What have I got to lose? A lot more to gain!
Hickguy M.D.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

If you wish to jerk off with other guys, it depends! Is everyone nude or not, are they all adult males? It is nothing to say to them you would like to jerk off and see what they say and go on from there depending upon the comments. Medically there is not a man alive who has not jerked off!
Hickguy M.D.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

I usually do at the steam room after working out.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

I love jerking off , I do it all the time. Love to see other guys do it as well. There is a Jack group that meets 1 day a moth usually has about 40-50 guys come through who just love being naked and jacking off

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

that sounds awesome

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

Oh, that can't be true.If you wish to jerk off with other guys, it depends! Is everyone nude or not, are they all adult males? It is nothing to say to them you would like to jerk off and see what they say and go on from there depending upon the comments. Medically there is not a man alive who has not jerked off!Hickguy M.D.My oldest brother says he never jerked off. He's also off the chart homophobic.

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  • 3 years ago
RE:Jerking Off

When my oldest brother told me he didn't (or never) jerked off, I wondered whether he was delusional enough to believe his own lie.I remember an old George Carlin bit that went something like this: A study reports that 95% of 14 year old boys say they masturbate at least twice a week. Pregnant Pause. 5% are damn liars.

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  • 3 years ago