Guy Camaraderie

Closeness among guys is central to GC. Hello! My name's Ryan, the founder of Guy Camaraderie. We welcome guys from any background. Whether you identify as straight, gay, bi, or otherwise, there are no expectations or criticisms here. Please allow me to give you a brief overview of the core concepts and philosophy of Guy Camaraderie (or GC for short). The central focus once again is closeness...

I read the "About" page for this group and it didn't exclude jerking off as a topic of discussion -- thus, I'm assuming it ok.

What do you think about jerking off when there are other guys around with whom you do not engage in sexual behavior. So, you're with a friend or friends and you really feel like jerking off. Do you go ahead and do it? Have you ever done this? If so, did anyone join in and also jerk off?

I've read recently that the exclusively male clubs back in the 1800s were exclusively male because the well-to-do men enjoyed getting together with other men, having conversation, smoking cigars, drinking whisky, and jerking off. These were the aristocrats, high-end business owners, lords, barons, etc. Essentially all married.

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RE:Jerking Off


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RE:Jerking Off

Sort of became a habit since High School! Every nude walk in the woods ending with masturbating down by the river bank. Eventually I got comfortable with watchers from the other bank and later a few more who followed me down to my favorite spot (the occasional dog walker or horny old homeless guy). Some became regulars and I think that's what started me on the whole CMNM thing, since I was the only one completely naked while jacking off.

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RE:Jerking Off

Love to share your experiences.

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RE:Jerking Off

it's cool and it's fun, I like it, and also I do it in Skype or in whereby, or any link where you send me hahahah, let me know, I like it and enjoy it, add me

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RE:Jerking Off

SILDENAFIL or TADALAFIL tablets will help with erectile dysfunction. Effective only with good stimulation of the penis (orally or during masturbation). Instructions for use, for a preliminary acquaintance with the medicine, can be found on the Internet. TAMSULOZIN tablets - facilitate the direct process of water removal from the body. Prescribed by a urologist. There are contraindications. Read the instructions for use of these tablets carefully.

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RE:Jerking Off

Great thread. I loved going to group jerks in the past and would love to do it again. Seems all the groups I used to get with have disbanded.

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RE:Jerking Off

I found it fun and stress reliever when there was a lot of anxiety because tests or some project or both if the due dates are in the same week or even day.

To making phone calls to get the information the higher up is asking for and people twhom you keep talking to has no idea what they are doing.

Once I shower, eat dinner, and go to bed. All those things helped me out with stress but nothing helps me out better than to strip naked and grab ahold of my dick and jerk it off. The pleasure of the bust has me the most relaxed that now I can fall asleep.

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RE:Jerking Off

When I was in the Army especially deployed to Iraq my battle buddies and I have jerked off together. Sometimes naked, sometimes clothed and sometimes cmnm thing happens and no one judges or insults. Now I've heard men say nice cumshot bro. Or damn someone been pinned up a long time. Call the hung guy a horse cock. No one gave a damn if a guy was gay, straight, or bi it was just men busting a nut for the fun of it.

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RE:Jerking Off

I have seen my old man jerking off as a kid and I was talking to him like no big deal.

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RE:Jerking Off

If I ever end up having a long term roommate again the guy has to be totally okay with not just my nudity but also with my comfortability of taking a dump , peeing , getting a massage , jerking off and even having sex while he could see me and or my partner

I am that comfortable.

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