Guys With Cockrings

A group for Guys they like to wear cockrings oder guys they are interested into. Even if you wear your cockring at the beach, just at home or when you have fun... Let's talk about cockrings :)

Cockring in a public setting

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When I wear my ring I do so for my own enjoyment regardless of the setting which is to say that I do not remove it at the spa, where being naked is the norm, nor at the nude beach. In all my years of wearing one it has been a conversation starter most often, a source of visual interest and maybe off putting a couple of times. In sauna and steam room settings others are particularly interested in seeing it and asking questions.

What has been your experience(s) when others have observed yours?

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RE:Cockring in a public setting

I love to wear a glans ring daily. I have an assortment to choose after I shower. Occasionally I visit Mira Vista Resort in Tucson. It clothing optional and I have never experienced a negative remark from anyone. In fact, I have been asked where I got them. I have seen others of both genders wear adornments and see no reason to hide them.

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RE:Cockring in a public setting

I feel exactly the same way! However my wife of 35 years does not like when I wear them in public or even when she accompany's me to a C/O beach. She supports my naked lifestyle, but does not see it like I do. So when in social situations, she requests I not wear any cock jewelry, because she doesn't like the attention it presents to my junk. I say I don't care about that, I wear them because I like wearing them for me, screw what anyone else thinks!

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RE:Cockring in a public setting

Oh I love wearing my rings also. Many times out at the hot tubs I will wear them. Even have a special heavy ring that I wear there. Its not as tight as my everyday ring.
But I am thinking about going to a jeweler to have some silver gland rings made. I just bought a ring in Phoenix the last trip there. I like it very artistic, but would like to have extra incase I lose it.
But going on a garden tour today and planning on wearing my rings. It will feel nice swinging under my shorts.

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RE:Cockring in a public setting

Not sure why this should be an issue. I believe we are Gods creation. He made our whole body, not just the arms and head. If we chose to adorn certain parts of His creation with ink or jewels, why would it be an issue? We are the ones that have designated certain parts as private, even call those parts of His handiwork, junk. Its not junk, and its only private because we chose to call it private. Sorry, Ill get off my soapbox now.

By the way, I caught the clever pun above regarding, screw them. Had me snickering.

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RE:Cockring in a public setting

I like to wear them, especially nude, and love to see others also enjoying them, but accept there's a cohort (especially in some corners of TN) who see them as an anathema to nuturism. Sometimes I go without and sometimes I just go ahead with them depending on my mood. Since mine are metal and I like multiple rings (with a circular cross-section) I expect they are less subtle than a single stainless ring or especially a non-metallic one. I've never really had direct feedback on them one way or another, so perhaps I should worry less. Cultural differences, including different locations, may also play into acceptance.

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