Ham Naturist

This is a group for naturist who also enjoy Ham Radio ( Amateur Radio ) as a hobby. We combine the two hobbies together to enjoy them twice as much as one hobby. Ham radio gives nudist a more social out let on a world wide level. Nude recreation gives ham radio opreators more comfort when operating thier radios.


Anybody headed there later this month?

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Parks On The Air

Anybody doing this? I am having fun with it and soon hope to set up a station in some parks.

CQ, CQ, NAR (nude at radio) hams

Any one check this group? I've not seen any new posts. I operate NAR for over 20 years, LOL


Happy holidays to all. Lots of DX QSOs and Merry Christmas

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CQ, CQ, CQ DX..... K0LEF.... CQ

Hello, K0LEF (Doug in Colorado Springs) here. I would love to chat on 20m or 40m. I run 100w barefoot (of course!) and use a Chameleon MPAS 2 dipole. 73, Doug K0LEF

naturist ham club

Does anyone check in here from the NU5DE club in Texas? I'm too loaded with work right now to set up my HF station and attempt to make contact that way. Since that involves getting my whole orchard camp arrangement established with cabin tent...

HamXposition September 10th, 11th, and 12th,...

Anyone going to HamXposition? It is being held at the Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough, MA. If you are going and want to hang out, let me know.

Nudist Resorts & Hams

Hey Everyone, I'm in Florida. (wife & I) I'm trying to begin nudist ham groups at some of the resorts. Anyone interested?


Small propagation for contesting on 6 m this day. I hope a open on 17 h GMT 73's Christian F5NIH

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