Ham Naturist

This is a group for naturist who also enjoy Ham Radio ( Amateur Radio ) as a hobby. We combine the two hobbies together to enjoy them twice as much as one hobby. Ham radio gives nudist a more social out let on a world wide level. Nude recreation gives ham radio opreators more comfort when operating thier radios.

protection against reverse voltages

I am looking for ways of protecting my radios against reverse voltage polarization due to dumb mechanics. Of course a diode is used but there are different ways and I have yet found a schematic to protect against 30 amps or more. I also would like...

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Ham Naturist Net control needed

What we need to run a net is a net control with 1500 W. in a central area of U.S.A.who is willing to run it. Anyone who would like to volunteer please leave a post.

just joined

Been on True Nudist for a while, and just thot to look and see if there was a Ham group. Had my license for 38 years now (got it when I was 17). From the time I got out of college, if I have operated from home or while camping, I have always been...

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Nudist Ham Net

I wondering if there was a nudist net? -Dennis- .-- .- ....- --.- -- ...

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N5YEE/AE upgraded!

Yes, it's true! N5YEE is now an extra class. I passed my extra class test Saturday 04-21-12. I also requested to change my call to an extra class call. I'm hopeing to run Field Day from Oaklake Trails in Oklahoma, using my new extra class...

The new 2012-2016 Extra class test questions...

THE NEW 2012-2016 EXTRA CLASS TEST QUESTIONS HAS BEEN POSTED! Get ready now. Go to www.ncvec.org to view or download the files. click on "Release 2012-2016 Extra class" on the left side bar. when the ERRATA page shows up, at the bottom of...

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Trading Ham Naturist QSL cards

Use this post to leave information for operating times and other information to make contact with other Ham Naturist. Collect Ham NaturistQSL cards around the world.

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I'm back on the air! I hope to hear the...

i'm now on 20 Meter SSTV 14.230 MHz, 10 meters USB, and the 75 meter nets. Don't forget the Ham-Naturist net on 14.265. I'll try to be there when I can. As we all know 10 meters has been open to Europe. I'll be that weak signal in...

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