Ham Naturist

This is a group for naturist who also enjoy Ham Radio ( Amateur Radio ) as a hobby. We combine the two hobbies together to enjoy them twice as much as one hobby. Ham radio gives nudist a more social out let on a world wide level. Nude recreation gives ham radio opreators more comfort when operating thier radios.

Hi all. I have only just joined your group so Im wondering if there are and of you into QRP?
I have not been very active over the past 8 years as I move to Thailand. My UK call is G0MIH but I have had a Thai call (HS0ZLQ) now for the past 3 years but not used it much.
But now I have got back into Ham radio but only using QRP. I have been building many QPR radio kits here as it's the only way to build anything related to radio as you can't get any or very little in the way of RF components here.
Im looking to to see if there are any others that are nudists like me and like QRP?

Hope to hear from someone on here and on the air at some point.


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RE:QRP rdaio

Hey Paul, I am not into QRP and only do a very limited amount of HF these days... When I started radio the bands were wonderful and was a joy to get on and make contacts....even fun to turn the power down and see how well communications were....These days I get discouraged turning on the HF rig any more...
So how are the contacts these days with the bands in such poor shape?...ever go throw a wire up in the woods and make nude contacts....?


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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi Ray.
I know just how you feel. I stopped using my radio some 12 years ago now . Lots of not nice things going on in my life at the time.
But now I just got back into it. I have an old TS830 that I have been putting back together as it had no transmit but trying to get any RF related parts here in Thailand is almost impossible.
So the only way is to buy a kit and build it and that's just what I have been doing. Only running 3 watts if fine by me here so QRP works well for me. Maybe I will get the 830 running at full power one day but for now it's just 3 watts max on SSB.
I'm planning to put up an ante ran that will work from 80 to 10 very soon so that will give my more insentive to do more.
And of course all nude at the same time.
I do everything nude and I'm nude all the time when at home.

Best regards.

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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi Ray.
I know just how you feel. I stopped using my radio some 12 years ago now . Lots of not nice things going on in my life at the time.
But now I just got back into it. I have an old TS830 that I have been putting back together as it had no transmit but trying to get any RF related parts here in Thailand is almost impossible.
So the only way is to buy a kit and build it and that's just what I have been doing. Only running 3 watts if fine by me here so QRP works well for me. Maybe I will get the 830 running at full power one day but for now it's just 3 watts max on SSB.
I'm planning to put up an ante ran that will work from 80 to 10 very soon so that will give my more insentive to do more.
And of course all nude at the same time.
I do everything nude and I'm nude all the time when at home.

Best regards.

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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi. Look at my QRZ.com page. I do remote primitive camping with QRP equipment along. The gear operates barefoot, and I operate bare skin.
I have an HW8, a 30 meter rockmite, a 30 meter Ramsey Kit station, and a 40 meter Chinese BNC pixie. So far my record in QRP was 300 miles on a microwat!

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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi, I see on your other website for camping that you go to the Ocala National Forest....thats not far from me. I live about 1 1/2 hours north of the forest in Middleburg. So my question is about camping there... Is it difficult camping in the nude, are there designated areas or unofficial area to camp in the nude. I would like to check that out one day this summer...
maybe even throw a wire in the tree and make a few contacts, or try....LOL

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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi, I see on your other website for camping that you go to the Ocala National Forest....thats not far from me. I live about 1 1/2 hours north of the forest in Middleburg. So my question is about camping there... Is it difficult camping in the nude, are there designated areas or unofficial area to camp in the nude. I would like to check that out one day this summer...
maybe even throw a wire in the tree and make a few contacts, or try....LOL

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RE:QRP rdaio

The main thing for naked camping anywhere is to avoid the crowds. Late spring through early fall is the time to enjoy naked hiking and camping. In Florida, 99% of the hikers only go out in the cooler months. The next thing to do is get off the beaten path. If you can drive to a campsite, so can the Cub Scout Pack or Sunday School class. Going somewhere you can only reach by foot in the Summer pretty much guarantees you will have a decent naturist trip. The few people that I have encountered in the forest in summer seem to take the nudity in stride.

I will probably make a trip up there this summer. If you like, I can let you know when I plan to go

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that would be good if you give me a heads up.... no guarantee i can make it but will try....
I go to apollo beach a lot in summer and enjoy the outdoors a lot, this could be an addition to the beach fun...


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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi Paul.

I am into QRP, have a VE9 call. Been an amateur since 1964, with various calls. Have not been very active past 10 years but have settled into a new apartment here and am planning to get back into it in the coming months. Currently have a Yaesu FT-817ND I bought in 2007 and an older hybrid transceiver -- Kenwood TS-530. I have antenna tuners for both and am planning to also get into PSK-31. I used to do much CW, but am rusty on that, probably back to 10 wpm. Always have operated HF, but as you know with the 817 I have 6, 2 and 70 cm bands as well.

I am an at-home nudist thus far and my wife is not much interested except occasionally.

You will note that I have not been much active on True Nudists either! Perhaps with some interesting people to chat with, that will change!



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RE:QRP rdaio

Hi there. I have just built a Bitx 40 as well. Got it running today. Working well on RX but sadly it won't transmit. I need to find the problem and sort it out. But on RX it's working very well. Need to do some mod to the RX audio as its a bit hissy.
73 &88's

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