Ham Naturist
This is a group for naturist who also enjoy Ham Radio ( Amateur Radio ) as a hobby. We combine the two hobbies together to enjoy them twice as much as one hobby. Ham radio gives nudist a more social out let on a world wide level. Nude recreation gives ham radio opreators more comfort when operating thier radios.
Getting started in Ham Radio
Return to DiscussionsNortheast Louisiana Amatur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will host a Technician class study class for those who desire to get started in Ham Radio.
Technician class study class
April 17, 2009 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.Cent. and April 18, 2009 8:00 A.M. to 1:00A.M.a 2 day course
Testing for all class licenses will begain at 1:00 P.M. Cent.
This will be a textile event
for more information call Joe at 318-235-9479
Good idea, posting this here. The situation in Australia is a little different, some of the clubs here do "on demand" courses and exams. Typically, a Foundation course (entry level) here is run over a weekend, and at the end of the course, the exam is held, so you can literally get qualified from scratch in a weekend, then it's just a wait of a couple of weeks for all the paperwork to go through, and your licence to be issed.
For those in Australia, the first port of call is https://www.wia.org.au, to find a nearby club and more information on getting your ticket.
I started studying and then stopped. I was just thinking that I need to get back into it. At the moment, I am in Europe but will pick it up again when I return to the states. My husband will be studying electrical engineering soon so I am sure that I can ask him all of the questions regarding electronics! :-)