Hippie Hollow - Austin,TX

Planning on visiting Hippie Hollow? Let us know here and perhaps others can join you!! Feel free to post pics of your time there, and share your experiences of the only officially sanctioned c/o park in TX. Encourage all of you to post links to pics of your experiences there.

The wife and I will be traveling west this summer and thought about stopping in at HH for a day. The website says that there are slippery rocks and a hard climb down to the beach.My wife does not walk too well, will we have problems finding a spot to tan?

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RE: Walk Down?

There are many sections to access the water at HH. There's also a cement walkway that leads all the way to the end of HH. It is rocky in many areas but I'm sure you'll be able to find an area that's accessible for your wife to walk too. Just know that a lot of the sunning areas are in the rocks and the sand "beach" isn't too large an area.

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RE: Walk Down?

Thanks for the information. I think we will give it a try and check
it out.

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