Hot Tub Nudist

For those who enjoy soaking day or nite.

Portable Hot Tubs

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I'm planning on selling my house and I'd like to take my hot tub with me. So I've been shopping for a small fiberglass tub that can be easily transported. But even the smallest ones weigh 200-300 lbs. And if I have to keep it inside, then getting it thru narrow doors and around corners in a house seems problematic to me. But now I've run across inflatable tubs that I didn't even know existed. Found one on Amazon that looks good on a computer screen but it's hard to believe it looks that good in real life. Does anyone here have experience with an inflatable hot tub? It looks small enough to be used indoors but I don't want something that's built like a child's pool that could deflate and dump 210 gallons of water in my house. I'm thinking about the octagon shape but I'm hesitant because I don't even know a dealer nearby with a demonstrator model.
Here's a url to what I'm considering.
What do y'all think?

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