I Always Sleep Naked
For those who enjoy sleeping nude. Para aqueles que curtem dormir n.
i have a three week-old petition here that you can sign if you want:https://www.thepetitionsite.com/702/027/754/help-make-it-easier-for-nudist-places-to-open/?taf_id=13740754&cid=fb_na#
I am Pete new hear
A recent study showed that less than 10 percent of Americans sleep in the buff.Whaa?Not only is it dead sexy, experts swear naked sleep is actually good for you. We asked them to spill on the top reasons you should ditch those pajamas for good.1....
I live alone, so I sleep naked. I cannot imagine wearing anything to bed, I feel like I an in some sort of straight jacket. I actually made the nurses a tad mad when I kept taking off my gown after my surgery. Drove me crazy!
I am new to the group and also sleep naked, have been since I was about17. It's great no clothes to get tangled up in.L
I'm 59 & started sleeping naked about 15. I never owned/wore pj's so I went from drawers to naked. From that first night I've slept naked every night since. It didn't/hasn't mattered where I was, who I was with or the...
o que diz, pelo menos, o site da Cosmopolitan , onde explicam que neste vero devemos dormir nu(a) pelas seguintes razes:saudavel para a suas partes ntimas - Ambientes mais quentes gerados pelas roupas podem causar mais infeces do que o normal e pode...