I Always Sleep Naked

For those who enjoy sleeping nude. Para aqueles que curtem dormir n.

Told to Sleep Nude

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I am also a member of the Nude Sleepers Forum.
Many men and a few women have said that at some point one or both parents told them that they were too old to wear anything to bed and had to start sleeping nude. Did that happen to any of you?
As a parent, did you tell your children that they should start sleeping nude?

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

I was neither told to do so, nor told my children they had to. That's a semi strange request in my opinion.

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

I told all of my sons around age 10 , that they needed to sleep nude, more comfortable when they are getting those nightime erections and wet dreams

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

I told all of my sons around age 10 , that they needed to sleep nude, more comfortable when they are getting those nightime erections and wet dreams

Did any of them resist?
On the other hand, did any of them follow their older brother's, and I assume your, lead and start sleeping nude on their own at a younger age?

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

I grew up in a house with no central AC and only 2 window units I remember my mom telling me during the hot months not to worry about wearing pjs to bed

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

My parents never told me to sleep nude. At about 11-12 I just did it. In fact, one of the worst beatings I got was when mom came in my room and found me naked with sheets kicked off and morning wood. No understanding of the concept.

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RE:Told to Sleep Nude

Interesting topic!

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