I Always Sleep Naked

join if you sleep naked

Sleeping naked

I have slept naked since I was about 8 years old, much to my mothers surprise when she found me naked in bed when she pulled the sheets back. I never liked pj's and always felt liberated when nude. When I got married, my wife very quickly...

Love sleeping nude

even though wife not really into it..just feels.natural ?

Back to traveling

Finally I got back in the air and am heading for a couple of small group tours. More then likely I will have a random roomie assigned by the tour company. My policy in the past has been to openly sleep nude from the first night. Never had a roomie...

Thanks for the add!

Hello all! Steve from Maryland and I wanted to say thanks for the add! I hope to chat with some of you soon. Stop by, say Hello.

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Are there any nudists who don't sleep...

I can't imagine being a nudist and not sleeping nude. Have you ever heard of anyone who does this? I thought it was the default sleeping state of (un)dress for all nudists...

London Nudists WhatsApp Group

Afternoon fellow nudists! I have a nudist WhatsApp group that welcomes nudists from all over the world to join, share experiences and make new connections. If anyone wants to join just drop me a message with your number. Naked hugs, Joe

Just a Fun Little Picture

I found this a while ago and posted it on the other sleeping naked group.

New Nudist Friends

Hey everyone! Feel free to add me on skype: lukeapollo2019@outlook.com or Snapchat: apolloisnude . Just send a full nude picture with face and your TN username (NO NAKED MEDIA, NO FRIENDSHIP). No matter your race, age, sexuality or marital status......

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Naked People Photo Project

Hello, check my new project out and send your photos if you want :) https://naked-people.blogspot.com/2021/07/naked-people-home-edition_5.html

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" at a bare minimum"

When I travel I use a tour company that will match me up with a fellow solo male traveler to share hotel rooms with to keep cost down.That means getting paired up with a stranger which the only thing assured you have in common is a love of travel....