I Always Sleep Naked
join if you sleep naked
Sleepwear when not at home
Return to DiscussionsI started sleeping naked late in life - I was in my mid 30's and although I took to it easily and wished that I started earlier there was still a mental block of not sleeping naked away from home. My first trip away, about three months after I had started, saw me take sleep shorts with me and wear them. I don't know why I felt the need to do this and I felt really uncomfortable and didn't sleep very well. The following trip saw me take the sleep shorts, unpack them but not wear them. I took about three years of trips away with sleepwear that never left my suitcase before I finally went away and left my sleep shorts at home at the back of my drawer.
Did any other late starters do this or only sleep naked at home ?
- 4 years ago
I at a few trips before I was a full time nude sleeper at home where I packed sleepwear but never wore it, some with my wife and some by myself.
After I became a full time nude sleeper, the only times I would take sleepwear on a trip was when we were visiting my parents. I would pull it on if I had to make a middle of the night bathroom trip but never slept in it.
I do take gym shorts for the same reason if we are visiting someone and have our own bedroom.
When I have to share a room with someone other than my wife, I would bring boxers or gym shorts and sleep in them.
I got rid of all of my underwear almost 4 years ago. I haven't had to share a room since, but if I did I would wear gym shorts.
- 4 years ago
After becoming a nude sleeper I would wear shorts to bed when visiting my sister. Decided it was not necessary and a good way to normalize nudity if a situation arose. Now, if need to share a room will sleep nude. The first time I shared a room after going bare down there I was more concerned about the other guy seeing that than knowing I slept nude. Have shorts packed if have to leave the bedroom for a bathroom visit.
- 4 years ago
I wasn't as late as you, I started after college. I took right to it and haven't worn anything at night be it at home or away no matter what time of year.
- 4 years ago
I did the same thing. Shared a room with my bro as a boy but we normally just wore our undies to bed but I would pull mine off once I was under the covers. We got our own room as we got older and then I didnt have to full with the undies under covers thing anymore. haha.
- 4 years ago
I started sleeping nude when I was about 10. (I was a slow bloomer and this was many years ago, so I didn't know what a hard-on was for.) I was a little shy about being naked and shyer about the effect of sleepiness on my body, and locked my bedroom door. The folks asked me not to do that, for safety reasons, so from that point I was out as a naked sleeper at home. First year of college, in a 4-person room, I wore jockey briefs to bed. Since then, the only time I have worn anything to bed has been a few times traveling with my sister. So roommates, housemates, tenants, guests, hosts, hitchhikers, traveling companions and fellow hostel-ers of all sexes, wherever I have ever slept, have been aware that I go about getting into and out of bed in the nude. Sometimes I'll keep it to a brief exposure, sometimes hang out naked in the room, usually somewhere in between, and I don't think my intuition has ever really been wrong.
- 4 years ago
I've been sleeping nude for a long time. Although it was not unusual for me to be nude around my college roommate, I typically slipped off my underwear after I got into bed in those days. I usually sleep nude when visiting people if I have any kind of private space. Actually, I have a few friends who who don't mind if I sleep nude even when we share a bed (these are non-sexual situations). Sleeping nude is just more comfortable.
I don't own pajamas but have worn shorts and T-shirts when sharing a room in certain situations.
One time I stripped nude after cabin lights went out and slept on a long-haul overnight flight. I had a row to myself. I'm not sure I slept any better. That ended up being more of a "one more thing that I've done nude" experience.
- 4 years ago
I've been sleeping Nude since I was about seven. I'm 59 now, so it's been a long long time! I simply can't sleep with any clothing on, and I get overheated very quickly...so an open door or window is a must for me. My Partner started sleeping Nude when we met...I really think it's the best thing for our Bodies, both Male and Female!
- 4 years ago
I started sleeping nude at 13.. I never looked back and I have always slept naked no matter where I was staying, or who I was with. I've had to share a room with work colleagues and I told them I sleep naked, no one has ever had a problem and a few have joined me as well. When I took some college classes, I'd walk to the shower naked roomie didn't say anything so I started staying naked more around the apartment, within 2 weeks I came home and found him walking around naked as well
- 4 years ago
I started sleeping nude at home about 5 yrs old or so ..I shared a bedroom and bed with my older sister and she too slept nude..we 4 girls and 3 boys shared 3 bedrooms and one bathroom upstairs with Mom n Dad their own bedroom and bathroom downstairs and an intercom to talk back and forth, both parents were of European Germanic ancestory and still shared the open healthy views on not just nudity at home but public nudity so when we kids might go down stairs it was always normal for mom n dad's bedroom door to be open and in the mornings nudity before school was the norm...only made sense to sleep nude too
- 4 years ago
Senior moment lol...how does the upbringing mentioned above impact sleep wear choices out of the home? When traveling on business and sharing a room I never even asked about going topless and upon seeing me topless if they did not object the next time out of the bathroom I d be nude, 90% time traveling on business was with other women but the rare times traveling on a strict budget with a male I did the same thing...when traveling to my in-laws hubby and I both slept naked in the guest bedroom which had its own half bath and if needing a midnight snack hubby and I never put clothes on and we were seen by my father and mother in law but they too were kind of decaffinated nudists and no issues with seeing us nude at al land vice-versa
- 4 years ago