I Always Sleep Naked
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sleeping naked
Return to DiscussionsI started sleeping naked at 25
- 10 years ago
I started sleeping naked when I was 15. Now I can't sleep if I have anything on.
- 9 years ago
I started sleeping naked when I was 13ish
- 9 years ago
I started sleeping naked when I was 13. I couldnt stand how anything I wore to bed would get all twisted and bunched up every time I rolled over or moved. Sleeping naked is so much more cofortable and I get a much better night sleep
- 9 years ago
Didn't see a question as to when but it looks like that's the topic...I started sleeping naked when I was 10 or 11 during the hot Torontosummer muggy nights. Not only did I sleep naked some nights the sheets stuck to your skin so off came the sheets. Eventually I started sleeping naked all the time and have done so ever since.
- 9 years ago
I started sleeping naked from 16 yrs onwards
- 9 years ago
I started sleeping naked from 16 yrs onwards
- 9 years ago
I always slept in my tighty whities until I was 15. Then I'd slide them off and put them under my pillow until morning. Once I went off to college I ditched the tighty whities and never slept with anything on again.
- 9 years ago
I started to sleep naked when i was16 i love the feeling it great.
- 9 years ago
I started sleeping naked at age 13.... seems many in here did too
- 7 years ago
It was around 14years of age. I have been sleeping nude for 35 years. No matter where I'm at I sleep nude. Whether I'm at the fire station, at home or military(I'm in the Army National Guard) I don't sleep with anything on.
- 7 years ago