I Always Sleep Naked

join if you sleep naked

Immer und ueberall nackt

Ich schlafe immer und ueberall nackt. Und dies seit mehr als 20 Jahren. Daheim und in Hotels kam noch nie was anderes in Frage. Auch fuer meine Frau nicht. Wir geniessen den direkten Krperkontakt. Aber in Gruppenunterkuenften wie Youthhostels ist es...

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Even though it was not the right answer i...

Our local radio station has morning question each day at 8:15. The prize is a meal at a local place. The question was " It hot weather people are 50% more likely to do this" My first thought was " sleep naked" But i did not call...

sleeping naked

I have always slept naked and im 61 yo now so I don't think that will change for me as a kid I had a 14 yo baby sitter that started me sleeping nude with her and have loved it ever since

Sleeping in The Raw

Sleeping naked is what made me a nudist, I stared sleeping naked when I was in middle school. I instantly loved the feel and only limited my naked to sleeping. Around the time I graduated from high school I stopped, just didn't feel like it...

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Love sleep naked

Camping n my first tent I took off my clothes just to feel what it was like Felt great I woke up in the middle of the night I ant out walked around naked Then heard a car dashed back to my tent That was the start lol

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The only way to sleep

I've been sleeping nude since I was 6 or 7 and have never looked back

Sleeping in the nude -- and woke up with a...

Well sleeping nude a lot of the time I would go to sleep with a boner so why not waking up with one? I think the morning wood is the hardest boner you can get

new male nudist

hi im a 23 straight male new to this would like a experienced female or couple to possibly hang out with so that i can get a fuller understanding please if you are willing dont be shy to message me

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Random roomie exposure coming soon.

Sunday I will meet the guy or guys who I will be matched up with over the next 3 weeks while we tour 4 Central American countries. Never more than 2 to a room if there 3 singles we rotate who gets the single. In the past most have been fine with it....

hello from Italy

Hey i'm new here