I Always Sleep Naked
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I sleep in the nude
Return to Discussionsit is the only way to sleep anything else does not make sense
- 9 years ago
Only in extremely unusual circumstances do I ever not sleep nude.
- 9 years ago
Same with me I wear pjs when I have to otherwise I am nude
- 9 years ago
Why would anyone wear clothes to bed. Totally incomprehensible. Have not even owned pjs for some fifty tears. If necessary a pair of bamboo shorts in adequate for the likes of hospital
- 9 years ago
I've worn something to bed maybe a dozen times since I was ten. I hate wearing anything anytime, and certainly not in bed!
- 9 years ago
nude sleeper here..done so for years regardless of weather..i feel very uncomfortable if I have to wear any type of clothing to bed..
- 9 years ago
I always sleep naked. I did it privately once in a while as I was growing up. At 18, my first night away at college my room mate explained he slept that way every night so we decided to both do it and i have slept naked ever since. It is the healthiest most comfortable way to sleep and I think it is the best way for non nudists to become more comfortable with nudity.
- 9 years ago
I've slept in the nude for over 35 years now, started at 13. I always sleep naked no matter where I am or who I'm with. I've had to travel several times for work, I had to share a room with a work colleague and I'd tell him, I sleep naked and I stay naked until it's time to leave. I'd say 15% said no problem and the other 85% were like cool so do I, I thought I was going to get stuck wearing underwear this week lol.
- 9 years ago
I sleep nude all the time now. It does not make sense to me
to put on clothing to go to bed when I
go around here all day nude.
- 9 years ago
I sleep nude all the time now. It does not make sense to meto put on clothing to go to bed when Igo around here all day nude.
I agree, I only wear boxers when my grandson is visiting. I hate how they twist up on you!
- 9 years ago
I am always nude in bed the only time I wear something is when I am someplace where I cannot walk around nude
- 9 years ago