I Always Sleep Naked

join if you sleep naked

I always sleep nude when possible and the odd rare time I can't is when I have a share a hotel room when I travel with a group of friends. The last time we all took a trip I was sharing a room with just one friend I had known for years. I had spent a lot of the drive down wondering how I could bring up the topic of me wanting to sleep nude without it sounding odd. I couldn't think of anything that seemed plausible. So the time came when we were all back at our rooms getting ready for bed. I decided i'll go to the bathroom and just strip down and act like it's nothing. So I came out of the bathroom completely naked and walked to my bed and laid down on top of the covers to watch some tv. My friends only comment was "I see you're very casual tonight" I kind of chuckled and asked if he didn't mind me sleeping nude. He said that we were on vacation and told me to relax any way I wanted. I was a little surprised to hear that actually, because this friend had always seemed to be a little uptight. As I watched tv there he was getting himself ready for bed as well and I could tell he kept glancing over at me. I didn't say a thing and just acted normal and kept watching tv and continued out causal conversation. A little while later my friend walked by me to use the restroom, I heard him in there for a little bit and then I heard the door open and he came out. I was expecting him to walk by the tv, but he stops right in front of it looking me with his hands out. I was surprised to see he also was completely naked! He just looked at me and said "we are on vacation, so what better way to relax!" He told me he was a little nervous at first but had always wanted to try nudism with a friend. We ended up being nude anytime we were in the hotel room alone. He said that was the best part of the trip! I think he's hooked now

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RE:Hotel nude

I hope you've carried on being nude together since

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RE:Hotel nude

Yes he's still enjoying the nude life! At home he says his time is limited, so we've invited him to visit us and my wife and I had him join us for nude coffee. It was kind of funny because when my wife joined us nude he did get excited and was trying to hide it anyway possible lol. We told him it's very natural, and he didn't have to hide it but just ignore it act like it's no big deal. He laughed and was relieved and said he had a lot to learn about nudism!

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RE:Hotel nude

great story thanks for sharing. I find that when i have a random roomie while traveling in small groups several times if I am casual with my nudity from the get go the other guy becomes more comfortable with his own nudity. Even converted one guy to be a nude sleeper himself.

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RE:Hotel nude

This is a great story! Thanks so much for telling it. We nudists need to relax and be ourselves whenever its appropriate to do so. Frogett

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RE:Hotel nude

Great story ! We need to get more people believing that the nudist life style is really there. Most people dont know how to do it. Or even finding other people. So way to go !

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RE:Hotel nude

On a trip when I shared bedrooms with a male friend I continued to sleep naked and we were both naked around the room when changing clothes, getting up or going to bed.
The interesting incident was when I was naked in front of the mirror combing my hair when I heard some giggling. I looked and the door was open and some teenage girls were looking in.

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