I Feel Invisible In The Chat Room

For more it supposed to be about nudist, if you don't have certain physical attributes, people complete ignore you in the chat room. This is a group for people who just want to enjoy nudism with others, but without prejudice of gender, body type, etc.

I am new to Chat rooms. I am very shy when it come to meet people, and chat rooms are kind of scary because you don't know who you are talking with. I had great conversation with people and sometime I getwomen who want to be naughty. Not sure if they are true nudists or just people who are looking for sex. I just want to know about nudism and share people's experiences. So if you see me, feel free to say hi.

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RE: Hello

Thanks for the first post of this group! I agree with you. Sometimes I get confused in the chat room also. I even got afraid to check a few cameras and try to start a chat, but then be refused.

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RE: Hello

Hi guys.
I have issues with the chatroom too. I was born with no genitalia. So apart from the few people I have befriended on TN (hardly ever there), most of the people only want2 chat with me 2ask about my condition, "where's your dick?" etc.
In real life nudism, the people treat me as just another guy on a beach, which I am. I would love the same attitude in the chatroom. But it dioesn't work like that. So I don't go in2 the chatroom much now.
But I think maybe it's a problem with online nudism generally.
In real life, because the body has become commonplace, we tend meet people by their personalities.
Online U cannot really find out what someone is really like, in fact if they R real @all! The emphasis is on the cam (in the chatroom) and photos (elsewhere) because they R tangible. Therefore we R bound2 focus on the visual. It is all we have. So maybe the chatroom is more hedonist that we would like. That is probaly a chief reason why so few females chat online.
Dunno what U guys think.
Hugz, Will

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