I Remain Nude When Guests/service P
This group is for ALL fellow nudists whom remain nude, regardless of who visits the home. Personally, I have always remained nude for every guest and visitor to my home, including neighbors, plumbers, cable and telephone techs., Fedex, UPS, food/pizza delivery, and many more. It's every nudists right to be nude when at home. Why cover up? Please feel free to share your experience.
Return to DiscussionsNaked Greetings!
In my continued quest to heighten nudist awareness and promote the "I remain nude" concept during all visits, I wanted to share another successful nudist/textile encounter. I accepted a parcel from FedEx totally nude Thursday afternoon, with no issues during the process. In my experience over the last 20 plus years of remaining nude at all times, FedEx has been exceptionally polite and respectful. In fact, I have never had a negative comment nor issue with a FedEx driver concerning my nudity. Fortunately, I am happy to report this week's package delivery was no different. Of course, the driver, whom has visited my home several times before, was at my door no more than 30 seconds, long enough to hand me my package and verify my identity. As has been past practice, we exchanged pleasantries and said goodbye, and he was on his way.
Next time to you're expecting a delivery, forget grabbing the shorts! Most likely, the delivery driver will not have an issue with your nudism and you can continue to live the way you prefer without having to find a pair of shorts quickly. As one FedEx driver explained to me many years ago, when you answer the door in shorts or underwear, it's clear you're nudist. What's the point in trying to cover up or make yourself appear as something other than a nudist!
Stay Safe! Stay Naked!
Group Moderator
P.S. Don't forget to share your nude/textile encounters!!
- 5 years ago
Its a great way to get the religious people away from your too....Im always quite polite....but they back off very quickly!!!...
- 5 years ago
With our driveway sign, no one reaches the door without knowing we're nudists. We have still had Jehovah's witnesses come to the house, and I have talked with them naked at the door. Didn't seem to faze them at all.
- 5 years ago
i was planning on greeting the Fedex / UPS guy nude, but alas Amazon split my book and CD order up into three and each came US mail to my street side mail box.
- 5 years ago
Just had an Amazon delivery as one of our dogs got out in the front yard. We were trying to round up the dog, and the driver pulled into the yard. He wouldn't get out to open his cargo door because he was afraid of the dog. It took several minutes to round her up, and I was naked througout. He didn't seem fazed by the nudity, just the dog.
- 5 years ago