Indian Hills Nudist Park

This is a group designed to ask questions and comment on Indian Hills Nudist Park in Slidell, LA. If you have any questions feel free to contact here or bestwhenbare at yahoo....

Thinking about going to Indian Hills for the first time

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Planning on going to Indian hills for the first time around feb 23-26th because we are going to Marci grad for my fianc s 40th birthday and was wondering if there's any tips anyone could give us. Thanks Southeast AR Nude Couple

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RE:Thinking about going to Indian Hills for the first time

Planning on going to Indian hills for the first time around feb 23-26th because we are going to Marci grad for my fianc s 40th birthday and was wondering if there's any tips anyone could give us. Thanks Southeast AR Nude Couple

We went last weekend.. we love going there , the people are all nice

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RE:Thinking about going to Indian Hills for the first time

We will get there Thursday the 23rd and leave on sun the 26th or mon the 27th.
My fianc is turning 40 on feb 26th so we r going down to celebrate in Nola

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RE:Thinking about going to Indian Hills for the first time

We are spending the weekend at Indian hills nudist resort in "the swamp" !!!

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