Indiana Nudists

A place for nudists from the hoosier state to connect.

We are thinking of going to Sunshower this weekend.
Has anyone been there?
Reviews say everyone is very friendly.

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Never heard of it, tell all you learn

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Looks like its going to be a warm weekend.
If it doesnt rain we are going atleast for a day.

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We were there 4 years ago and met a TN friend that we've told you about. Nice place, staff pleasant but could use more parking spaces. Just southwest of Richmond. We took 37 to get there. Have a great time!

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Been a few years back. Within 15 min of us getting the Camper set up a member rolled up in a golf cart and invited us to a block party. Treated us like gold and introduced us to what now I am very fond of, apple pie moonshine. Outstanding experience for us. Nearby antique stores to browse and a Winery which is a very fond thing for Luann. Humorous to us was a longtime Sunshower member some how ran through the automatic gate and I mean ran through it. Lordy the other members couldn't come up with enough making sport of him for that! We recommend it.

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