Intellectual Nudism...

Self-Actualized Nudism. Who are you? What are you? What defines you?This Group is not for all. We will share thoughts and life-transforming events that mean sharing on a deeper level than most. Media will be shared here, but we are here to stake out Happy, Healthy, Intellectual Nudist Lifestyles. I consider myself to be Christian, Empathic, Intelligent, and Nudist Advocate to the core. Nudism to...

Popular Petitions for Nudism...

Return to Discussions

Support a Clothing-Optional Beach for Tampa Bay!

Shut Down the Petition to Shut Down the Nude Sliding Event

Petition against petition against YYC Nude Swimming Event

Officially Designate Johnson Beach a Nude Beach - Gulf Islands National Seashore

Make folly a nude beach

Legalize Body Freedom

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RE:Popular Petitions for Nudism...

I remember that counter-petition for the YYC (Calgary) Nude swim event!! Seems like so long ago where the alt-right resorted to made up bomb threats to shut the event down.
Ever since then, we have had regular monthly swims with no fuss and always 80-100 attendees strong!!

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RE:Popular Petitions for Nudism...

I remember that counter-petition for the YYC (Calgary) Nude swim event!! Seems like so long ago where the alt-right resorted to made up bomb threats to shut the event down.Ever since then, we have had regular monthly swims with no fuss and always 80-100 attendees strong!!

Congrats on your persistence and the great result!

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RE:Popular Petitions for Nudism...

I remember that counter-petition for the YYC (Calgary) Nude swim event!! Seems like so long ago where the alt-right resorted to made up bomb threats to shut the event down.Ever since then, we have had regular monthly swims with no fuss and always 80-100 attendees strong!!
Ill never understand why some people cant just let others live as they choose. Why must they always try to impose their will on everyone else? Thank you for persisting.

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