Irish Naturist Association
This is a group for genuine naturists (non sexual social nudists) living in Ireland and interested in attending organised naturist outings and swims.
2. Free Swim, Coral Leisure Centre Station Road Wicklow Town, Sunday 2nd July 6.15-7.30pm, Booking required and can be done here: 3. Swim, Kilcoran...
3. Swim, Ballyfermot, June 4th, Booking essential and can be done here: Contact Leticia through the INA Facebook page for further details 4. Swim,...
2. Ballyfermot Leisure Centre, Blackditch Road Cherry Orchard Dublin 10, Sunday 14th May 2017 4 p.m.-6 p.m., INA members only possibility to join on the day, Booking required and can be done here:...
2. Naturist Swim, Saturday 15th April, 7:30-9pm, Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, 10 euro INA members 15 euro non-members 15 euro INA couples 25 euro non-INA couples, Booking required and can be done here:...
1. Beach Clean up, Sallymount Beach, Co. Wicklow. 1/3/2017, 11 a.m. 3. Naturist Jaunt, Ballyteige Burrow, Monday 13/3/17. Please contact Leticia through the INA facebook page for further information. 4. Naturist Spree, Achill Island, 15/3/17 1p.m....
2. Swim, Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, Saturday February 18th, 7:30-9 p.m. No Booking required 3. Meetup, Curracloe Beach Co. Wexford, Tuesday 28th February, Noon. Contact Letitia through the INA Facebook page for further information
Membership 2017: New Members: 55 euro, 40 euro for 65+, 20 euro for 18-25yo, for 18-65yo Current Members 50 euro for 18-65yo, members who joined between June and October for a 50% reduction for 2017 2. Nude Hike, Friday 13th January 11 a.m.,...
1. INA membership for 2017, 55 euro 18-65y (50 euro if current members, members who joined between June and October 2016 entitled to a 50% discount), 40 euro if over 65y and 20 euro if under 25y, December 2016 included in 2017 membership. Join here:...
2. Naturist Hike Gleanealy Co. Wicklow, Wednesday 9th November, Noon, Contact Leticia through the INA Facebook page for further details 3. Swim Kilcoran Lodge Cahir Co. Tipperary, Saturday 19th November, 7:30-9pm 4. Day Trip Dilbeek Naturist Thermen...
2. The Great Irish Skinny Dip, September 4th, Noon, Sallymount Beach Co. Wicklow 3. Swim, September 17th, 7.30-9pm, Kilcoran Lodge Hotel Cahir Co. Tipperary (10 euro INA members, 15 euro non members, 15 euro INA couples) 4. Naturist Meetup,...