Jakarta Indonesia
Naturis who lives or in the trip to Jakarta, please join ...
Aku baru mencoba gaya hidup nudist apakah disini ada komunitas nudist?
If you or anyone you know who is a true nudist would take the challenge of a job as guest relations officer - supervisor - manager in a nudist resort in Bali, please contact nick4nude@gmail.com for more information
Interested ? Contact me
Yg mau gabung group wa https://chat.whatsapp.com/1AHCN91vqHO0ZRbbHmBwdb
Hi wanting to connect with people in Jakarta and make some new friends! Im living here now for 6 months and dont have that many friends here, would be great to find some new ones and nudist ones too. Is there anywhere to go nude around here?
Apa ada komunitas untuk naturis atau nudist di Indonesia? Kalo ada gimana cara joinnya?