Kebebasan Di Indonesia....Freedom I

Kelompok ini diarahkan terhadap orang yang hidup di Indonesia. Ini Group dengan masukan dari anggota itu bisa menjadi daerah Networking besar untuk menemukan orang lain dengan minat yang sama dengan Anda. Ini adalah grup pribadi dan akan dibatasi kepada mereka yang hidup di Indonesia atau berencana untuk mengunjungi dalam waktu dekat. Pasangan, Single Wanita, dan Single Pria yang tinggal di...

An Observation and Question

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Looking through a rather extensive and surprising list of member located in Indonesia, I had to observe the following.
If one were to put on a large nudist event (like that could ever happen) and every member from Indonesia attended, it would be as follows.
Thousands of single males, a few couples, and a few single females. Seems something is wrong with this lopsided observation.
Why basically all single males? Do those single males actually have wives that would like to gain some freedoms? How about girlfriends? Yes, Indonesian culture and let's be honest, religion have put the female on the back burner. It's OK for a male to want freedoms but when it comes to their female relationships, it isn't allowed by them.
Isn't this whole nudity lifestyle, be it closeted or not about freedoms and acceptance? Isn't it only normal that females are offered those same freedoms as the males? If males are afraid their female relationships would be attracted to other men or that other men would be attracted to them, they are to insecure in their relationship to be involved at all.
I may be wrong but this is my thinking. Please, give your opinions.

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RE: An Observation and Question

Why basically all single males? Do those single males actually have wives that would like to gain some freedoms? How about girlfriends? Yes, Indonesian culture and let's be honest, religion have put the female on the back burner. It's OK for a male to want freedoms but when it comes to their female relationships, it isn't allowed by them.Isn't this whole nudity lifestyle, be it closeted or not about freedoms and acceptance? Isn't it only normal that females are offered those same freedoms as the males? If males are afraid their female relationships would be attracted to other men or that other men would be attracted to them, they are to insecure in their relationship to be involved at all.Since I've been in this site for several years and seen many profiles of members here, either from Indonesia or elsewhere, I hope I can give you some insight.
Do those single males actually have wives or girlfriends? Few of them, yes, including me. All you have to do is looking at their relationship status. Married, but not listed as a couple. Do these wives and girlfriends want to have freedom of nudity? Maybe, but I don't think they are not allowed by their males. Contrary to the view that the males are afraid if their women go away with other nudists males, I think it's the women who think that the males might be attracted to other nudist females, if any. So, the men here (and elsewhere) choose to keep their social nudist life unknown to the women.
I noticed your remark in your profile that even revealing insignificant body parts is seen with sexual stance here. That is very common in a masculine/religious environment. And that's why the women are too shy to go nude in a social
setting instead of private. Some of their males may even have persuaded
them but to no avail. If they are still viewed with lust even when clothed, what will happen in a place where everybody is naked? Obviously, body respect and acceptance are something far beyond their mind's grasp.
Well, I hope you can get the picture. I always fail to find proper nude gathering in Indonesia, that is without sexual undertone. If I didn't go to Australia last year, I might never have a chance to go nude in social setting at all.

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RE: An Observation and Question

Do those single males actually have wives or girlfriends? Few of them, yes, including me. All you have to do is looking at their relationship status. Married, but not listed as a couple. Do these wives and girlfriends want to have freedom of nudity? Maybe, but I don't think they are not allowed by their males. Contrary to the view that the males are afraid if their women go away with other nudists males, I think it's the women who think that the males might be attracted to other nudist females, if any. So, the men here (and elsewhere) choose to keep their social nudist life unknown to the women.I noticed your remark in your profile that even revealing insignificant body parts is seen with sexual stance here. That is very common in a masculine/religious environment. And that's why the women are too shy to go nude in a social setting instead of private. Some of their males may even have persuaded them but to no avail. If they are still viewed with lust even when clothed, what will happen in a place where everybody is naked? Obviously, body respect and acceptance are something far beyond their mind's grasp.Well, I hope you can get the picture. I always fail to find proper nude gathering in Indonesia, that is without sexual undertone. If I didn't go to Australia last year, I might never have a chance to go nude in social setting at all.A social setting can be a small gathering of people with like minds. What needs to be understood is that a natural nudist setting has nothing to do with sex, it is just a small gathering in which everyone is naked. Ground rules can be set. People can start with one other couple have coffee or tea. The thing is, once the line is crossed I have found that females become much more comfortable with the nude idea. Keep sex out of it. If you were in a Western country with a nudist resort that is just for nudist and isn't a sex themed resort and someone approaches someone else and makes it sexual, they will be escorted from the property and refused entry. Does sex take place at nudist resorts and or campgrounds? Of course, they are still human but it is easily refused too.
The thing is, it should probably start small. Two couples that know each other. Sit around, have some tea, talk. You will be surprised at how the eye contact is the main attraction. In your masculine/religious setting you will need to first understand and find the ways to get past inhibitions and any body image sensitivities. People need to understand that all females and all males come in the same form. All come with the same equipment. Some features may differ in size or color but basically, the same thing.
If a single male here thinks they can just join a site to get laid they will be in for a long wait. Those with honest intentions can tell and will keep them out. But, those single males that are in commitments should be honest with there partners and encourage them to join in the fun. Maybe they won't but maybe some will. It can be closeted but I think in time a bigger closet will be needed.

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RE: An Observation and Question

I read this story in another TN Forum (Naked at Home). It happened in US. Sad, it is. Somehow in some clubs,
That is why I don't recommend the clubs/resorts in Bali. A couple who frequent it told me that sex is somehow tolerated there (although not openly), including gay sex (the owner is gay). I am not against homosexuals but I expect they respect me on equal term, and from what I've found, they keep bombarding me with friend requests. That's why I block them indefinitely.
I do agree that we should have new, more inclusive nudist gathering, and we must have extra precaution so only real nudists (without sexual intention) may join.

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RE: An Observation and Question

I don't understand the part about sex in the Bali Resorts. You say that sex is tolerated, even gay sex but it is not done openly. Does that mean that two consenting adults who are visiting the resorts may be having sex in private? If that is the case, what would be the difference of two or more consenting adults having sex in private at a textile resort they are staying.
If you are saying that you may be laying by the pool and a couple next to you starts having sex, well, that is not really proper for a social nudist environment unless it is stipulated in the properties advertising and notifications that it is a nude sex environment.
Concerning the small nudist resort owned by a gay couple in Bali, I have not read any complaints from the hetero couples who have stayed there. Not sure when it will be but on our next trip to Bali the wife wants to stay there. We shall see.

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RE: An Observation and Question

The couple (husband) said they had sex not only in their room, but also in a somewhat hidden part of the garden/pool (still in open air). He said a waiter was passing nearby and saw them, and just smiled at them.

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RE: An Observation and Question

To me, the couple had sex in the privacy of their room and decided to have sex in an area they thought was private but was seen in passing by an employee. The hotel wasn't the problem here and I don't see where they condone sex anywhere. The couple were the ones that hid but were caught in passing. It was they who decided to risk things and not the hotel. They should be happy the employee they were willing to give a show to by choosing an area not as hidden as they thought, just kept walking. So, not the hotel, just a wrong choice by the couple. Nice of the employee to not be rude and ask the male if he needed any assistance.

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